The Circle of Shamanic Practitioners
Shamanism is one of the oldest systems in the world for acquiring knowledge and accessing healing. The term shaman is used to describe the healer, counselor, and spiritual adviser of a community. It is a Tungus word meaning “he who knows,” though it is commonly used to refer to healers in many indigenous cultures.
In the modern context, it can be difficult to ascertain the competency of people who claim to be “shamans” because there is no standardized form of education outside traditional contexts. The Circle of Shamanic Practitioners was founded in 2016 and oversees training programs in which students are prepared both personally and professionally to bring the power of shamanic practice into the modern setting. Those who seek to benefit from the powerful forms of healing that exist in shamanic traditions can be sure that practitioners certified through the Circle of Shamanic Practitioners have received a grounded, disciplined, and balanced education in a wide range of shamanic healing modalities.